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Astute Downloads

Downloads, Datasheets and instruction manuals for the Astute Range.

About CBi-electric: low voltage

CBi-electric: low voltage Group  Established in 1949 as a joint venture within the Heinemann Electric Company,...

About the CBi Astute Range

The Astute device connects to your Wi-Fi router. Using the router, the Astute device creates...

About the Astute Smart Plug Dedicated

The Astute Smart Plug Dedicated is an energy monitoring, scheduling and control switch with load management...

About the Astute Smart Plug

The Astute Smart Plug (ASP) is an energy monitoring, scheduling and control switch with load...

About the Astute Smart Isolator

The Astute Smart Isolator is an energy monitoring, scheduling and control switch with load management...

About the Astute Smart Controller

The CBi Astute Smart Controller (ASC) is an energy monitoring, scheduling and control device with load management...


CBi Astute Smart Power Indicator (ASPI)

The CBi Astute Smart Power Indicator (ASPI) is a device with load indication and automation...

CBi-electric Downloads

CBi Electric company downloads


Fast FAQs: connection issues

Turn your house into a SmartHome! Monitor, schedule and control appliances like lights, air-conditioners, geysers...


How to set "return to state" on Astute Smart Devices (video)

CBi Astute Smart Home devices have a handy feature that allows you to set the...

How to pair an Astute Device (video)

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How to pair an Astute device

You will need: a compatible smart phone or tablet a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network "MY HOME" and "Locations"...

How to link/sync Astute's App with a virtual assistant

Alexa and Google Assistant are AI-powered software applications designed to assist with various tasks using...

How tech simplifies home automation

Hosted by tech & media personality, Aki Anastasiou, and featuring five CBi experts, this 45-minute virtual event is centred around IoT smart home trends.


Introducing the Astute Smart Controller (video)

Remotely control home appliances and equipment from anywhere, with your phone. Additional Videos


Protect your appliances during load shedding (video)

With the CBi Astute Range of SmartHome automation products, you can delay devices to the...


Support Request

Please note that this form cannot display in the popup. Please use the menu in...

Setting up CBi Home app for the first time

You will need a compatible smart phone or tablet, and a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network. Download the...

Setting schedules on CBi Home App

Quick Reference There are two settings - one when the appliance should turn ON and one...


The Smart Home revolution (videos)

Hosted by tech & media personality, Aki Anastasiou, and featuring five CBi-electric: low voltage experts,...

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